5 Tips On Getting Your Car Unstuckhere are few things better in life than grabbing your keys, starting the engine, and going out for a drive. Driving is a fun, relaxing thing to do - until your tires get stuck somewhere. That's when driving turns into a nightmare scenario.
Is your car stuck in snow? Are your tires deep in the sand? There are ways to get out of there. Don't panic and read down below. You'll be back on the road soon! 1. First things first, don't make it worse It doesn't matter if you're stuck in snow, mud, or sand - stop driving right now! There are countless ways and methods to get your car out of a bad place. Driving like a maniac isn't one of them. Most people go into panic mode right away. Their foot turns into a cinderblock on top of the gas. Then, they start going crazy with the wheel. Don't be that guy. If you're stuck, believe it or not, you're stuck. Think of it like quicksand, the more you move, the worse it'll get. Unless you're smart about it. 2. Try to dig yourself out of the problem Grab a shovel if you can. Sticks are a good last resource. I'm guessing you don't want that 2000 lbs. metal box falling on top of your hands, so don't use your hands. Remove as much sand, mud, or snow there is around your tires. Bonus points if you can flatten the area under your tires. That'll help a lot when it's time to drive away from the hole. You know you shouldn't dig a deeper hole, right? The idea here is to create space around your tires, not under them. 3. Do like a hammock and rock your problems away Now that you have enough space between your tires, it's time to do the smart thing. No, you're not going to gun out of that hole. You're going to gently rock away. Here's how it's going to go: You'll put your car on drive and move forward. Once you can't go any further, you'll put it on reverse (and using your car's momentum), you'll go backward. Then, put it on drive. Rinse and repeat until you're out of that hole. 4. Increase traction to try and get out Alright. If you're still here, that means the rocking method didn't work. Don't panic! There's no need to plan the rest of your life living inside that car, you can still get out. Put something under your tires. A piece of cardboard, your car mats, or anything similar. A blanket won't work. You need a solid surface for your tires. No cardboard? No problem. You can use sticks and stones too. Remember, anything solid. With enough traction, you'll be able to drive away. 5. Worse come to worst, deflate your tires Oh my, you're still reading. Well, I guess we can go nuclear. Deflate your tires. That'll remove enough friction to help you get out. Keep in mind you should deflate your tires a little bit. Don't go overboard here. And, remember to re-inflate your tires as soon as possible. Or better yet, call us. Have you tried it all and you're still stuck? Most methods have a low success rate. No need to panic, though. We have the solution to your problem. Give us a call and we'll get you out of that hole right away, 100% guarantee. You'll be laughing about it soon enough!
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